
FuTURE Lab’s Updates


Paper Accepted in ISMR!
Paper Accepted in ISMR!

Excited to share that FuTURE Lab’s first research paper has been accepted at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR) 2025. Title: Towards Autonomous Navigation of Neuroendovascular Tools for Timely Stroke Treatment via Contact-aware Path Planning


End of Fall Lab Dinner
End of Fall Lab Dinner

FuTURE is growing its team ! If you are a student at WPI and want to be push the boundaries of medical technology and robotics, apply to work with us! FuTURE Lab Dinner.

PI Invited Talk at MRS Fall Meeting 2024
PI Invited Talk at MRS Fall Meeting 2024

Excited to give a talk at a fantastic Symposium SF03-Materials for Robotics at MRS Fall Meeting 2024 in Boston about the use of magnetic ball chains for cardiac ablation. Read the open access paper published on IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (TMRB). The TMRB version . Photo from the talk.

FuTURE is here!
FuTURE is here!

Our website is live!